The Framing of Bibi

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called “The Framing of Bibi.”In light of the radical left’s latest accusations and chants of “Crime Minister” against Bibi, here is a list of no less than a dozen claims made against Bibi over the past 20 years, ranging from the ridiculous to the absurd. All of these allegations so far have been found to be without merit and thus are ostensibly politically motivated versions of ridiculous “bubba maisa” (old wives tales).

This makes them look and sound like they don’t have any new or powerful ideas for building the economy, making peace (with security), or building the future of the state. The sensible people on the left should work together with the right to solve problems instead of trying to make yet another desperate, false accusation.

(Source Photo: Adapted from Kindel Media via

Contradictions, Corruption, and Lies

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called “Contradictions, Corruption, and Lies.”

The list of “nonsensicals” in our society could go on and on (and I won’t even get started with all the Covid mandates and chaos), and you have to ask yourself what type of country (and world) we are leaving to future generations: A world that is full contradictions, corruption, and lies!

In the end, we can’t live with the double-talk and lies that we are being fed or the political grandstanding and corruption that takes the place of real humanity and progress. This leaves us to find truth and faith in the good and love that is G-d and to act from His word and not the phony media or corrupt politicians that seek to lead us continuously astray.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Our World of Fake News

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called “Our World of Fake News.”

Fake news about Israel and the Jews continues to proliferate from many mainstream news sources that have sold out to the devil any credibility, they may have one had. Whether it’s the “Failing New York Times,” “Fake News CNN” or any other of the notorious media sources that are alleged to report biased, tainted news, unfortunately, it seems like a virtual non-stop barrage of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic spewing. It may be overt or more subtle, but there are organizations like Honest Reporting that are tracking and calling out the false news reporting for the lies that they are.

Whether it’s 1984 “Big Brother” telling you what to think and do or the media twisting the truth so that’s unrecognizable anymore, this is dangerous not only to the Jews as scapegoats, but to the souls, freedom and future of our world.
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

What’s With This Crazy World?

I don’t recognize this world. 

This world has gone to sleep. 

It’s not the world of life I used to know. 

Now fear and isolation pervade about. 

Things aren’t even what they seem or they seem to be what they aren’t. 

Everything is glossed over and black and white are easily substituted. 

There used to be a moral ground and a forward path. 

Now you have to have a stronger faith and inner conviction than ever before. 

To see the light at the end of the tunnel and hope it’s the light we all yearn for.  😉

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

We Are The 99%!

This election demonstrated one thing…that we are the 99%!

The too often proverbial suckers under the heel of the power and money elite in society. 

Fed phony and biased information to try and turn us against each other and manipulate us to believe and act in ways beneficial to those who want to retain, and endlessly grow, their wealth and status. 

Like good soldiers, the underclasses are the pawns in the global games of Power Chess and Monopoly. 

The 99% are completely expendable. 

They are blind and will follow orders. 

The 1% likes them dumb and works hard to try and keep them that way!

Anything, if the rich can get richer and the powerful can get more power. 

The schnooks at the bottom looking up, with begging eyes, get the scraps thrown off the table and unto the floor where they fight for a morsel, while killing each other for it. 

The elite use the media, Hollywood, polls, and radicalism, so that they can sit up high and mighty and watch the rest of us with a wide smirk of disdain on their fat, arrogant faces, as we drink it all in. 

How long will the 99% be fooled and played?

Exploited and even thrown under the bus by the narcissist and greedy 1%. 

Where is the democracy in that?  😉

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Truth or Lie?

Our election system is the envy of the world?

Our pollsters know what they are talking about?

Our news media is honest and unbiased?

Our political system is rational, mainstream, and values integrity? 

Our democracy is safe and not under serious threat from within?

Our election system is the envy of the world?

Our pollsters know what they are talking about?

Our news media is honest and unbiased?

Our political system is rational, mainstream, and values integrity? 

Our democracy is safe and not under serious threat from within?

Oh dear, Pinocchio has died of an overdose!  😉

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

If The Other Side Wins The Election

Still no firm results on who will be the next President of the U.S. of A. 

I think this is how a lot of people feel…

    if the other side wins the election (look where he’s picking from)!

A picture is worth a thousand words. 

One thing we know for sure is that the polls and the “Fake News” media got it all wrong again! 😉

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)