Amazingly Beautiful Prayer for the IDF

Thank You to the IDF and to Hashem our Ultimate Protector!

Am Yisrael Chai!!!

(Credit: Prayer for the IDF- Netanel Hershtik & The Maccabeats featuring Lt. Gen Benny Gantz)

10 War Strategies for Peace

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called “10 War Strategies for Peace.

Of course, we may not win every battle, but we need to make sure that we win the war. Strategy and tactics, along with plenty of investment, planning, technology, training, and execution, are the way to win.

Ultimately, peace is the goal, but to get there, we must be ever vigilant, smart, and strong, and maintain our faith in the Almighty.

(Photo via

Not By Strength Alone

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called “Not By Strength Alone.”

For Israelis and Jews around the world, success includes being powerful enough to defend ourselves from no longer being every demagogue and dictator’s scapegoat, but much more than that, it means that we become a true “light unto nations.” We want to be a democracy anchored in freedom and human rights. We also want to be a “Jewish State” (it’s the only one in the world!) that is a haven for every Jew to come home to and that is culturally and religiously Jewish (but not a Jewish dictatorship). Israel will not survive by strength alone but rather by the spirit of Hashem (Zechariah 4:6). And so our values are to follow in G-d’s path and do good in the world, fix what’s broken, and make it a better place, and that includes, as the prophet Isaiah said, “beating their swords into plowshares.” Moreover, we understand that G-d is not only the creator but also the perpetual master of the universe, and it is He who decides whether Israel behaves righteously and ultimately whether she will merit to stand for the duration this time and, hopefully, the final time.

(Photo: Alexi Rosenfeld, IDF/Creative Commons via

Putin: Will He Stay or Go?

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called “Putin: Will He Stay or Go?

Perhaps Putin dodged a bullet today, but we’ll see over time if he continues to be so lucky and who is ultimately right about Vladimir Putin’s future: will he be whisked away to some Siberian gulag or will he continue his absolute reign over Russia and its people and continue his war for Soviet-era power and dominance?

(Credit Photo: Florian Lisi via

Lets Save Israel Now

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called “Lets Save Israel Now.”

After 17 weeks of virulent protests and plenty of animosity, one has to question whether the hateful politics surrounding judicial reform are bringing us ever closer to a dangerous breaking point. Certainly, all this heart-wrenching conflict of Jew against Jew is leading us down a terrible road of divisiveness, hate, and hurt for our people, country, and future. It is high time to change course and instead work together to solve our problems, mend differences, and unite in our faith as the proud children of the Maccabees against our common enemies.

(Credit Photo: Cottonbro Studio via

How a Sticky Situation Taught Me Some Empathy

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called “How a Sticky Situation Taught Me Some Empathy.”

Thank G-d, he finished the blood draw, and it was over. But as I reflected afterwards, I thought to myself that this guy is just one of probably millions out there who are unhappy with their jobs, their relationships, their lives, and maybe more broadly, the direction things are going in for them.

To “move the needle” of the world in the right direction, perhaps we must fundamentally change the order of things so that people are paramount while profit and power are not. What that means is that we don’t tolerate the conditions that lead to tyrants, corruption, and endless greed.

(Credit Photo: Anna Shvets via

Are Leftists Driving Us Off a Cliff?

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called “Are Leftists Driving Us Off a Cliff?

2023 so far has been disastrous for Israel at home and in the public sphere as the world watches the leftists endlessly rally, scream, block highways, burn cars, steal tanks, name call, threaten, refuse military service, take money out of the country, shut down businesses, hurt the economy (check the stock market, currency, etc.), ask for international intervention, and create hate and disunity at a time when we need to work together more than ever.

The left protests that they have the moral high ground, but while they vie for power, they ostensibly don’t seem to care whether, in the process, Tel Aviv is reduced to radioactive ash. Instead of being overly focused on power politics, let’s listen to each other with respect and work together to constructively solve problems in a good way.

(Credit Photo: SHVETS production via

The Framing of Bibi

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called “The Framing of Bibi.”In light of the radical left’s latest accusations and chants of “Crime Minister” against Bibi, here is a list of no less than a dozen claims made against Bibi over the past 20 years, ranging from the ridiculous to the absurd. All of these allegations so far have been found to be without merit and thus are ostensibly politically motivated versions of ridiculous “bubba maisa” (old wives tales).

This makes them look and sound like they don’t have any new or powerful ideas for building the economy, making peace (with security), or building the future of the state. The sensible people on the left should work together with the right to solve problems instead of trying to make yet another desperate, false accusation.

(Source Photo: Adapted from Kindel Media via

Make Your Life a Sanctuary for G-d

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called “Make Your Life a Sanctuary for G-d.”In short, everything we do in life should be great, but not for our greatness. Everything that we do should be done with passion and determination, but not for our sakes. We are only here by the loving grace of G-d and for as long as He wills it. In our time here, we need to act in a way that means something beyond our finite, selfish mortal selves and instead be selfless for the purpose of our Creator.

If you lived your life for G-d, for good, and for a greater purpose, then your inner spiritual legacy will live on beyond your years and even your name. If you build a sanctuary for G-d, it will have holiness and permanence not only in this world but, more importantly, in the next.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Is This The Coming of Gog and Magog?

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called “Is This The Coming of Gog and Magog?

When it comes to Russia’s real world military fighting doctrine, no one and nothing is safe until their objectives are met, even if that means World War III, as Russia’s foreign minister has stated. Russia is already formidable and the largest country in the world with 11% of the world’s landmass, and that is almost double that of the next largest country. Further, with a solidifying partnership of superpower countries Russia-China, coupled with alliances with authoritarian regimes of Iran and North Korea, an extremely dangerous Axis of Evil is developing that may soon threaten global stability and peace. Many are starting to question whether we are now entering the times of Gog and Magog, the devastating “end of times” war as prophesied in Ezekiel (38-39) before the coming of the Messiah and the Third Temple. Indeed, the term “Rosh” as in Gog’s Chief Prince has been compared to “Rus” for Russia or I would say to “Rasha” (wicked, evil one). Further, Russia is coming directly from “the far north” of Israel, and Iran is compared to “Persia” in the war of Gog and Magog. Strangely enough, the timing is coming now, the week of Purim, with the U.S. desiring to finalize the end of sanctions on Iran and rejoin the grossly ineffective Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) paving the way for Iran and their radical mullahs to go nuclear in the future.

(Source Photo: MFA of Ukraine,