Sign Of The Times

Everything is starting to close back up and require masks again due to the spreading Covid “Delta Variant.”

So much for having the masks off for a couple of weeks, which was at least a taste of fresh air and freedom. 

But backwards we go…

A sign of the times in Covid is to park your bicycle in front of the couch, so no one can actually sit down on it and spreads any germs. 

Any bets on what happens from here with all the variants and how this is gonna impact our daily lives for time to come? 

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Artsy Bike

This is an artistic bike in Washington, D.C. 

Like a newspaper, it’s black and white and “read” or actually rode all over. 

How much time do you give a bike like this before it gets stolen on the streets downtown?

D.C. seems to be getting even worse than before, now with Coronavirus and the riots.  

Doesn’t feel safe, and it’s in definite need of an urban makeover from all the horrible poverty and homelessness.  😉

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Better Than Hand Sanitizer LOL

What a great way to fulfill Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Tier 3 for love and belonging. 

Just use this bottle of Social Belonging! 

Better than dish detergent or hand sanitizer.

Good for attaining love, friends, societal and other belonging needs. 

22 fluid ounces!

That’s enough to get you through the Coronavirus quarantine’s loneliness and then some.  😉

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Man Lamp

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Gotta love this man lamp!

Probably great for your man cave. 

It stands on 2 legs.

Its spine is the electrical cord running down the middle. 

And the lamp shade is the hat. 

Sort of design ingenious. 

And during Coronavirus quarantine, it makes you feel perhaps like you have a little extra companionship. 

Even if it’s just a lamp!  😉

(Credit Photo: Facebook)