Cool Cat

So yesterday I was coming home from the fitness center/pool.

I was wearing shorts and pool shoes even though it was only in the 30’s-40’s temperature out. 

This large man with a Texas accent stops me to ask how I can dress like that around Winter time.

And it’s particularly funny, because there is another man overhearing this conversation next to us wrapped up in no less than 2 coats/layers.

So I say in a lighthearted way “I guess that I just have warm blood, so the temperature doesn’t really bother me.”

He says, “Uh, in Florida, when it goes into the 60’s, people start shivering and bundling up down there.”

I smile, and say “Well maybe we’re just different people.”

Then he goes, “I like that–I like people that think different! You know why, [and he pauses and repeats again] you know why?”

I look at him sort of eyes wide open at this point waiting to hear his explanation to the build up. 

And he says, “Because it means they don’t give a sh*t what other people think!”

At that point we both started nodding and laughing. 

Maybe you had to be there, but I think you can probably envision this sort of nutty scene.  😉

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)