Two-Faced Monsters

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One of the scariest things with people are when they are two-faced. 

And no, we’re not talking about people making funny faces or googly eyes.

My father use to joke:

“If that person was two-faced, they would never use that face {the one they are wearing now}!”

But many people really do have two-faces (and sometimes more).

– The seeming friend, but backstabber if they get the chance.

– The “goodie two-shoes,” but what a real mischievous side to them.

– The “nice boy/girl,” but what an unbelievable mean streak.

– The calm, quiet person, but what an explosive temper they really have. 

– The person who it seems “would never hurt a fly,” but what an abuser and bully they are.

This is not about multiple personality disorder, but rather people who either are truly this AND that, or who “fake it to make it.”

Many people do have multiple “normal” sides to their personality (like hardworking, but playful).

However, others more malevolently, use a cover up (and it’s not mascara) to hide their inner bad natures/behaviors and demons.

These are the people that are really scary dudes (and dudettes). 

You see one thing on the surface (superficially), but beneath it is a type of molten lava ready to explode and do very bad things. 

Sure, everyone alternates between good and bad days, happy and sad, more loving or less, etc. 

But when people are fundamentally insincere phonies who are deceiving others until they can but strike and do bad things to them, then they are not just two-faced, but seriously f*cked up! 

This is all part of the fight in this world of good over evil–it goes on everyday with the monsters out there that are allowed to roam free and prey on others–perhaps some of afraid or even others are covering for them. 

How long can they keep up their heinous act?

Often way too long, until those good people of faith and conscience ask when will they be unmasked and held accountable–when will justice prevail. 😉

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Words Have Meaning


People can be so careless and callous with their words. 

They say stupid and hurtful things. 

Sometimes, they may try to couch or sugarcoat what they are saying, so you need to put 2 and 2 together. 

Yes, that’s four…bang!

Whether it’s transparent or hiding behind a veil of political correctness or mischievousness, you get the messaging. 

Everyone has an angle, as they say in Hollywood. 

Is it benevolent or malevolent or perhaps just dopey does. 

Either way, words are very important.

It’s called communications and you send out messages verbally and non-verbally. 

Rule of thumb:

“Clarity, conciseness, and coherence.”

Often, the messaging can be confused…like the old game of telephone or just in-coherency of words or thinking. 

So which it it–there is no return policy to speak of or there are no returns allowed.

Tell me damn it! 

Why can’t the English learn to speak english? 😉

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)