Remember 9/11 + The Global War on Terror

Just thinking about this lately…

How quickly we forget what happened on 9/11.

After 2001, we said:

9/11 was “the day that changed everything” and we shed blood and treasure on a global “war on terror”

In 2019, radical American politicians are:

Referring to 9/11 as “Some people did something”

Laughing at Americans for fearing ISIS

Refusing to condemn terrorist organizations like Al-Qaeda or Sharia practices such as female genital mutilation

Calling for Open Borders and Sanctuary Cities, including not cooperating with Federal law enforcement

Promoting Socialism over Democracy, including healthcare for illegal immigrants and forgiving all student loan debt

Urging the release of jailed Muslim Brotherhood terrorist leader 

Endorsing corrupt Venezuelan dictator, Nicholas Maduro rather than the democratic opposition.

Blaming the U.S. for “thousands of Somalis killed by American Forces” during Black Hawk Down

Saying “It’s all about the Benjamin’s baby” and supporting anti-Semitic, anti-Israel practices like BDS

Comparing Immigrant Detention Camps to Concentration Camps

Reflecting on a “calming feeling” when thinking about the Holocaust

I hope all Americans will realize the absolutely frightening enemy within that our nation now faces and votes accordingly in 2020.

America, Who Are Our Real Friends?

This is what Israel, a longtime and proven true friend and ally of the United States does:

Iranian Plot on U.S. Possibly Thwarted Due To Israeli Intelligence.


These are perhaps the types of things that non-friends of the United States do:

– Attacks pro-Israel congressional representatives as having “dual loyalty.”

– Blame the U.S. for the crisis in Venezuela and back Socialist dictator Maduro.

– Falsely blame the U.S. for killing thousands in Somalia.

– Crassly describe the 9/11 terrorist attack on the U.S. as “someone did something.”

– Mock the U.S. for fearing terrorists, Al Qaeda. 

– Defend hundreds of indiscriminate terror missile attacks on Israeli civilians by Hamas.

– Urge the release of jailed terrorist leader of the Muslim Brotherhood.

– Condemned by the House of Representatives for anti-Semitism.


– Attacks credibility of U.S. for criticizing Iranian human rights abuses. 

(Source Photo 1: Jerusalem Post / Photo 2: Facebook)

Impeach + AOC

I saw these two photos separately.

But I instantly realized that they belong together. 

Like peanut butter and jelly. 

Who is a bigger pee brain than AOC?

* She impulsively lost 25,000 jobs and $5 billion investment in NYC from Amazon (as well as about $27.5 billion in tax revenue over 25 years). 

* Her ridiculous Green New Deal wanted to rid us of farting cows and airplanes and didn’t get a single yes vote in the Senate (even from her own party). 

* AOC stated that the three branches of government are the “the presidency, the senate, and the house” (Uh, wrong!). 

* Ocasio-Cortez boasts insanely that government deficit-spending doesn’t really matter (hmm, I wonder is that how she handles her personal finances too?).

* She allies herself with fellow anti-American and anti-Semites like:

– Ilhan “(Schmilhan) Somebody Did Something [on 9/11]” Omar

– Rashida “(Israel-Hater) They Forgot What Country They Represent” Tlaib

– Linda “Muslim Brotherhood” Sarsour

How did anyone actually vote for (or support) people like these to run this amazing country?  😉

(Source Photo: AOC is from Facebook and Impeachment is from me)

-25,000 Jobs NYC

While some politicians are hard at work to create jobs, revive our manufacturing, and expand our economy…

…Others like NY Representative, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, are busy destroying jobs from her city. 

After a grueling competition for the Amazon HQ2 with 200 cities offering incentives to land one of two 2nd Headquarters for Amazon, the winners were Arlington, VA and Long Island City, NY.

These lucky cities were to divide 50,000 new jobs and $5 billion in investment by technology and e-Commerce behemoth, Amazon. 

Instead of thanking G-d for their good fortune and celebrating their win under the political savvy of New York’s Governor, Andrew Cuomo and NYC’s Mayor, Bill de Blasio, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez railed against the “corporate welfare” and basically killed the deal. 

What should be critically noted is that incentives for Amazon were based on meeting their performance benchmarks for NYC and Arlington and were not corporate charity or handouts. 

What Socialist, Ocasio-Cortez failed to understand is that Capitalism is successful precisely because of competition and incentives for performance, and that capital is ideally allocated to where it can get its highest return. 

In short, New York and Virginia weren’t giving away the farm, they were competing for great jobs and investment in their cities–and that’s what 200 cities recognized from Mexico, Canada, and the U.S. 

Aside from AOC’s blatant bigotry and Anti-Semitism so far, she has goofed with a Green Deal that promised income security (socialist handouts) to those “unwilling to work” and sought to get rid of everything from “farting cows” to Airplanes, and now she’s lost 25,000 jobs in NY. 

Voters in NY and Democrats in Congress should be paying attention to their new Socialist champion and one of its extremists in chief. 

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)