Ignorance Isn’t Bliss

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called, “Ignorance Isn’t Bliss.”

It’s Passover, and we celebrate our deliverance from Egyptian slavery, yet this is a slavery that was foretold by Hashem, and as you could say, like with many bad things that happen in this world (e.g. Coronavirus), we knew it was coming!

To me it’s not about being afraid, but rather it’s about being prepared. It’s great to be an optimist, but it’s important to be practical, especially when it comes to saving lives. Yes, we need to have faith in G-d and believe that ultimately everything is according to His word and plan for the world, but at the same time, we need to be responsible and do our part to protect ourselves and the future from terrible things that we have a relatively high-level of confidence will happen. There is no mitzvah to wait and be caught off guard, rather there is a commandment to save life (“Pikuach Nefesh”), and for this we need to “face up to facts” (including our known vulnerabilities, threats, and our capabilities to address them) and actually be very well prepared.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Stop The Coronavirus, Please!

It’s been a few exhausting weeks since the outbreak of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) has gone public. 

First case in China in November.

Now as a Pandemic in 126 countries!

Over 132,000 confirmed cases, so far .

And around 5,000 deaths 🕱.

The numbers are projected to climb/////.

With Dr. Faucci of NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) warning that it will “get worse before it gets better.”

Everything is closing down from our work facilities to Cruises, Broadway, and Disney.

Of course, we need the government (at all levels), health professionals, and pharmaceutical companies to get their acts together with an effective response strategy. 

Also, this is a wake up call for better preparedness for all sorts of natural and man made disasters that are awaiting. 

Today it’s a virus (natural or biowarfare) and tomorrow it’ll be a devastating cyber attack that we are woefully unprepared for. 

No more playing politics, half measures, and waiting for the next shoe to drop (Spanish Flu, Pearl Harbor, 9/11).

The rest of us need to do our “prepping” parts and to say a prayer or two and keep going. 

(Source Graphic: Andy Blumenthal)

Celebrating With Security

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called, “Celebrating With Security.”

Take a look around you at the new security measures and people risking their lives for yours and your family. Take a moment to thank them. But also, recognize that the security isn’t there just for show, it’s there because the hatred and threats have tangibly increased along with the ever present means to carry them out. It is critical that we continue our vigilance and the strengthening of our security measures, because those that hate us for who we are and for our faith are not going away, and unfortunately, they may even continue to grow in numbers and resolve. However, none of us should live in fear and be forced to stay away from our religious institutions, our Torah study, and prayer, but rather to the contrary, we need to stand up strongly–in defiance and in faith!

While I don’t know what specific security measures we will see next Rosh Hashanah, I can say with almost absolute certainty that it will be more and not less and that you should definitely be taking notice.

(Image by Robert-Owen-Wahl from Pixabay)

Remember 9/11 + The Global War on Terror

Just thinking about this lately…

How quickly we forget what happened on 9/11.

After 2001, we said:

9/11 was “the day that changed everything” and we shed blood and treasure on a global “war on terror”

In 2019, radical American politicians are:

Referring to 9/11 as “Some people did something”

Laughing at Americans for fearing ISIS

Refusing to condemn terrorist organizations like Al-Qaeda or Sharia practices such as female genital mutilation

Calling for Open Borders and Sanctuary Cities, including not cooperating with Federal law enforcement

Promoting Socialism over Democracy, including healthcare for illegal immigrants and forgiving all student loan debt

Urging the release of jailed Muslim Brotherhood terrorist leader 

Endorsing corrupt Venezuelan dictator, Nicholas Maduro rather than the democratic opposition.

Blaming the U.S. for “thousands of Somalis killed by American Forces” during Black Hawk Down

Saying “It’s all about the Benjamin’s baby” and supporting anti-Semitic, anti-Israel practices like BDS

Comparing Immigrant Detention Camps to Concentration Camps

Reflecting on a “calming feeling” when thinking about the Holocaust

I hope all Americans will realize the absolutely frightening enemy within that our nation now faces and votes accordingly in 2020.

Nike Is A National Disgrace

Nike recalled their sneakers from retailers with the Betsy Ross American Flag.

And they did it right before Independence Day this Thursday.

NIKE is a national disgrace!

Nike, should be standing strong to proudly display the American Flag, but rather they are like the Evil Axis, Iranians, that put it on the heel of their shoe–step on it and spit on it.

This is what we get as a nation when patriotism is turned on it’s head, and people that want to bring down this country and destroy it are instead elevated as spokespeople and even fraudulent politicians for it.

Who would’ve thought after 9/11 that America would self-destruct from enemies within rather than from without. 😦

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

America, Who Are Our Real Friends?

This is what Israel, a longtime and proven true friend and ally of the United States does:

Iranian Plot on U.S. Possibly Thwarted Due To Israeli Intelligence.


These are perhaps the types of things that non-friends of the United States do:

– Attacks pro-Israel congressional representatives as having “dual loyalty.”

– Blame the U.S. for the crisis in Venezuela and back Socialist dictator Maduro.

– Falsely blame the U.S. for killing thousands in Somalia.

– Crassly describe the 9/11 terrorist attack on the U.S. as “someone did something.”

– Mock the U.S. for fearing terrorists, Al Qaeda. 

– Defend hundreds of indiscriminate terror missile attacks on Israeli civilians by Hamas.

– Urge the release of jailed terrorist leader of the Muslim Brotherhood.

– Condemned by the House of Representatives for anti-Semitism.


– Attacks credibility of U.S. for criticizing Iranian human rights abuses. 

(Source Photo 1: Jerusalem Post / Photo 2: Facebook)

Impeach + AOC

I saw these two photos separately.

But I instantly realized that they belong together. 

Like peanut butter and jelly. 

Who is a bigger pee brain than AOC?

* She impulsively lost 25,000 jobs and $5 billion investment in NYC from Amazon (as well as about $27.5 billion in tax revenue over 25 years). 

* Her ridiculous Green New Deal wanted to rid us of farting cows and airplanes and didn’t get a single yes vote in the Senate (even from her own party). 

* AOC stated that the three branches of government are the “the presidency, the senate, and the house” (Uh, wrong!). 

* Ocasio-Cortez boasts insanely that government deficit-spending doesn’t really matter (hmm, I wonder is that how she handles her personal finances too?).

* She allies herself with fellow anti-American and anti-Semites like:

– Ilhan “(Schmilhan) Somebody Did Something [on 9/11]” Omar

– Rashida “(Israel-Hater) They Forgot What Country They Represent” Tlaib

– Linda “Muslim Brotherhood” Sarsour

How did anyone actually vote for (or support) people like these to run this amazing country?  😉

(Source Photo: AOC is from Facebook and Impeachment is from me)

17 Years Since 9/11

Today is the 17th anniversary since that fateful day of 9/11 when the terrorists brought down both World Trade Centers and ploughed another plane into the Pentagon.

One of the greatest acts of terrorism in history. 

With almost 3,000 dead and the center of our financial and military strength hit in a flash attack, we as a nation stood naked. 

We’ve gone after the terrorists in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and more, but still, there is the endless drone of world-wide terrorism. 

Yes, we are lucky that nothing major has happened in the U.S. since 2001.

At the same time, we know that anything could happen at any time–from another terror attack to a catastrophic cyber attack that takes out our critical infrastructure, bioterrorism that wipes out hundreds of millions with genetically engineered viruses, or even nuclear warheads wiping out entire cities or regions of the world. 

Forget natural disasters for the moment, man-made disasters are always just around the corner when it comes to planning and execution.

The FBI and our other dedicated law enforcement personnel try to stop them all, but no one and nothing human is perfect. 

So while we try to maintain an elevated security posture to protect this country and even maybe someday build a wall that doesn’t leave us with porous borders for everyone and anyone to get in willy-nilly, many don’t or barely remember 9/11 and what it meant. 

We said it changed everything forever, but did we mean it?

17 years and we’ve been fortunate–very fortunate–but are we ready for the next fateful blow to land in the ongoing war on terror. 😉

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Always Be Prepared

Emergency Preparedness.jpeg

It was nice going to a local festival yesterday and seeing a table set up with brochures for the kids and families on Emergency Preparedness. 

Even when we’re having a good time, we need to have in mind the possibility that things can go very wrong.

These last couples of weeks with Hurricane Harvey and Irma, we saw again the destructive forces that Mother Nature can bring. 

And today being the 16th Anniversary since the terror attacks on 9/11 and the almost 3,000 murdered at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, we are reminded of the necessity to always be ready for man-made/inflicted disasters as well. 

Now with Axis of Evil nations, North Korea and Iran, continuing to pose alarming threats to the West, the need for preparation and readiness to dangerous WMD–whether from an ICBM or a suitcase bomb–is ever present

Let’s just say until the final redemption when peace will reign on earth, we can never just rest securely on our laurels. 

Even on a sunny day, the clouds may be gathering to threaten us.  

So have a plan.  Be prepared.  You and your families lives across our beautiful and free nation depend on it. 😉

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Gorgeous Border Wall

Border Wall.jpeg

Hey, I’m not for erecting walls when there is no need for them.

Who instead doesn’t love to build bridges–full of peace and brotherhood, definitely. 

But after 9/11 and the ongoing, endless wave of global terrorism and serious threats that we are confronting (including from WMD), let’s face it…we need secure borders.

This is called common sense security, and it’s been highly regarded and employed throughout history and all around the world. 

That doesn’t mean that good people don’t come in…only that we have a thoughtful and effective way to work to filter the bad people out. 

Anyway, it seems that the bake-off of border wall prototypes has yielded this brilliant design.

If it’s truly rugged and includes intelligent border security mechanisms such as sensors, surveillance cameras, biometrics, and so on, then this could be an awesome looking and functional option.

Time to stop the bickering and time to start moving forward with security. 😉

(Source Photo: here with attribution to True Pundit)