Potty Mouth Award

So I had to laugh when I saw this Potty Mouth “work of art” award. 

And it had a real potty in it too!

It reminded me of some foul-mouthed, but fun-spirited colleagues who actually used to keep a scorecard in the office with tick marks for each occurrence of cursing by person.

Let’s just say that there were some clear winners on this account.

In many cases, they did it as a vent for all the frustration at work and also because they thought it was funny. 

I remember my dad who was very religious and he used to say jokingly and with a big smile:

“Don’t use that f*ckin language with me!”

Growing up as a Jewish kid even from the Bronx, it was never really an issue for us.

Although even I have to admit that sometimes hearing someone get really angry and spewing off like that–while not appropriate, it does let you know where their head is at–at least for that moment in potty time.  😉

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

The Nails Exploded!


So it continues to be amazingly sad how there can be a large terror attack in the UK yesterday, but still many of our weak politicians and fake news media can’t readily admit the simple truth about the war with radical Islamic terrorism.

A nail bomb goes off at a concert in one of the largest arenas in Europe killing at least 22 and wounding 59 mainly teenagers attending a rock concert, and the headline is:

“Suspected Terror Attack”

Uh, who would’ve suspected that?

Perhaps it could have just been a large pile of nails lying around exploding at the box office and killing people?

Stupid, stupid, stupid…

Shameful, shameful, shameful

We live amidst brazen lies to the people, grotesque political correctness, and unbelievable media spin.


And yes, that’s how we might end up losing a big one someday. 😉

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Words Have Meaning


People can be so careless and callous with their words. 

They say stupid and hurtful things. 

Sometimes, they may try to couch or sugarcoat what they are saying, so you need to put 2 and 2 together. 

Yes, that’s four…bang!

Whether it’s transparent or hiding behind a veil of political correctness or mischievousness, you get the messaging. 

Everyone has an angle, as they say in Hollywood. 

Is it benevolent or malevolent or perhaps just dopey does. 

Either way, words are very important.

It’s called communications and you send out messages verbally and non-verbally. 

Rule of thumb:

“Clarity, conciseness, and coherence.”

Often, the messaging can be confused…like the old game of telephone or just in-coherency of words or thinking. 

So which it it–there is no return policy to speak of or there are no returns allowed.

Tell me damn it! 

Why can’t the English learn to speak english? 😉

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

The Voter Psychology Behind A Trump


Over and over again the left AND the right try to get a knockout on Donald Trump. 

But what happens?

He’s not knocked out.

He’s not even knocked down.

To the contrary, he is still standing and seems to become stronger!

What is going on with this phenomenon?

Some would like to call it perhaps a psychosis of the masses

Other like to belittle those that like him by dissing their intellectual status and calling them stupid

Many even seem to go to every extreme to to make him out as crazy, fascist, bigoted, hateful, and a con man

Yet, for the most part it’s doesn’t seem to be working–people are still flocking to him

It’s like the more they try to gang up on him, torment him, bash him, and zing him–and rather than buckle, he is still there standing and remains strong–perhaps, the more “proof” it is for people that he can and will stand up for America!

With dismal ratings for the President, Congress, and government overall, the outsider, the business man, the billionaire, the dealmaker, the one who isn’t afraid to speak his mind and to say to the people the non-politically correct thing is coming across refreshing to many who are seeking change from the the last 7 years, 15 years, or further. 

With many seeing the current politics of the U.S. as leading from behind, appeasement, weak, divisive, and disengaged, it is not surprising to see bands across America yearning for something more. 

Is Donald Trump strong and anti-establishment or truly bad and dangerous?

This is for America to seek the truth on and wisely decide. 

What’s riding on this?

Whether Trump OR another candidate to be determined –(someone/anyone) — can potentially get things positively and constructively done in our large and complex political machine that has in many ways become increasingly stymied by bureaucracy, obstructionism, defeatism, game-playing, selfishness, pork barrel politics, (corruption,) sequestration, government closures, and political fighting across the aisle/behind the aisle/and in the aisle.

Let’s hope for America and the world’s sake the voters get it right.

But keep bashing Trump and you are keeping his message of superior strength and hope very much alive. 😉

(Note: This is not an endorsement for any candidate or political party)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


Smelt It Dealt It


As kids, there always used to be someone who would run around holding their nose, and yelling at the smallest sign of someone’s flatulence…Eew!

In turn, the other kids would all chime in: “The person who smelt it, dealt it!”

Might as well push the responsibility where it rightfully belongs–uh, maybe. 

This is what kids do–they are not politically correct in the slightest!

Are adults any better really?

I’ve seen grown men and women start holding their noses and waving their hands in front of their faces when someone is stinking up the local air.

In particular, this happens quite a bit on places like the crowded Metro and elevators…going down. 

People are unforgiving when the air is foul. 

Personally, I am very sensitive to bad smells and hot air–my A/C is running full blast all around the year…even in Winter, seriously!

When I saw this sign in a storefront window that said, “Free Smells,” I thought to myself, gee we got enough smells to last a lifetime, and that’s why fresh air and nature is so appealing to the good ‘ol olfactory senses. 

Free smells…unless it’s fresh flowers or some savory dish to eat–you can have it–free or not, I frankly don’t give a damn.  

My personal belief is that an odor is far more likely to cause you a gag sensation than put a refreshing smile on your ugly face. 

Good etiquette, keep your smells to yourself. 😉

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Talking It Cryptic


So for a while when I received weirdly worded communications from others, I thought “Gee, this person doesn’t know how to communicate!”

They aren’t saying what they mean or aren’t saying it clearly, and I am having to decipher it, read between the lines (more than usual) and certainly not always getting it right. 

I seriously thought some of these people needed to go for remedial communications and project management training, and was more than willing to send them.

Then, I started to see the bigger picture and context and it was beginning to all make sense.

The terse messages, the cryptic language, the dancing around the topic…these were not (necessarily) because the person couldn’t communicate well, but it was intentional!

No, they weren’t trying to mess with me.

They were afraid to say what they really wanted to say–not to me, but generally speaking.  


Conjecture, but perhaps they didn’t want “it” so explicit, they didn’t want a flagrant (unnecessary) trail, they didn’t want to potentially get in any trouble. 

So they truncate, obfuscate, used “code” words (not real code, symbolic) and otherwise made the communications so vague that they had plausible deniability or could interpret it just about any which way they wanted.

Ah, sort of a “get out of jail free card”–self made, signed, sealed, and delivered.

This is the art of being cryptic!

Fear and overly strict political correctness is not a good thing when what you really need is clear and honest communications from folks.

We do ourselves a disservice by “playing games,” keeping hidden agendas, and protecting ourselves over the necessity to get the mission accomplished and done well.

Perhaps when people are caught between competing masters and agendas, they are “forced” to do this to get the job done, stay alive, and in the important game we all must play in life.

Ink a dink a bottle of ink the cap fell off and you stink…got that?  😉

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)