G-d Created Evolution


So I’ve been thinking a little bit about evolution.

And I don’t see any contradiction between evolution and creation.

In fact, G-d created evolution!

You see, in His infinite wisdom and love, G-d made his creations with the ability to change over time. 

We are not static creatures, but we are able to evolve, adapt, transform, and grow ourselves, our species, and our world over time. 

But, but, but…there are fossils hundreds of millions years old…how could G-d have created the world less than 6,000 years ago?

Well, who says G-d created the world at time horizon zero–if the world was fully formed with trees and plants, and fish, birds, animals, and people–then these could all have had age associated with and built into them already. 

Boom…G-d just created Adam and Eve–was that from the point of conception, day of birth, or fully grown adult?  Similarly, how old is the tallest mountain or the fullest forest when it was created? 

Time is not a function of G-d who is timeless. 

And the formed world appears at the blink of G-d’s eye and it can disappear that way too. 

Similarly, we learn in the Bible how G-d created the world in 6 “days” and rested on the 7th, but who says a day is literally that.

Couldn’t a day as in 1, 2, 3, etc. be phases of creation…where a day could be anything from a split second to a millennium or even a hundred million years.

To the G-d who Was, Is, and Will Be–what is a day, but a span of infinitesimal to infinite time to create His children and the world to teach and grow them. 

We are here in a infinite universe enveloped by the love of a limitless G-d. 

Evolution is no more a constraint on G-d then time or space is–to the contrary, evolution is a blessing of G-d that lets things develop and mature from the image of G-d to the imagination of His mind’s glory. 😉

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Bell-Bottom Style

Bell Bottoms
This is dedicated to my wife who loves bell-bottom pants. 

And truly there is something about bell-bottoms that just yells cool and sexy. 

The hour glass shape of the pants is timeless. 

The flair gives you flair. 

The white stringy bottom gives contrast with the blue jeans. 

Whoever wears these, you’re the automatic hit of the party.

Basically, your the Sonny and Cher on the 21st century, and presumably you can dance like John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever. 😉

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Supreme Court Of People and Of Heaven

White House Rainbow

So yes, I am a firm believer in live and let live. 

That goes for long time friends that have actually converted away from our cherished Jewish traditions to friends or relatives that choose a gay or lesbian lifestyle–it’s their choice!

And everyone has free choice to do what they think is right–that is the nature of free choice–if we weren’t free to choose, then how could we be responsible for our choices?

But what I am confused about sincerely with the ruling of the Supreme Court of the United States in legalizing marriage for gays and lesbians is not the concept of where everyone is equal under the law, but the open contradiction with the Torah (Biblical) texts that I am familiar with since I was a child in Yeshiva:

1) Leviticus 18:22–“Thou shalt not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. 

2) Leviticus 20:13–“If a male lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death, their blood is upon them.”

I understand that many advocating for gays and lesbians have explained these texts as no longer applicable today (ref: Huffington Post):

– That the Biblical passages “do not refer to homosexuality as we know it today” (i.e. those that are consensual, not cultic rites, etc. )

– That they “are conditioned by the cultural and historical realities of the authors” and one needs to consider the greater biblical context for G-d’s love and caring of all. 

But looking at the strict text of these passages, they don’t seem to read as conditional (there are no conditions identified), and for those that believe that the Torah is divine (written by G-d) and is timeless, then how do we reconcile it with our wanting to be loving and accepting of ALL people who aren’t hurting themselves or anyone else?

Adding to the confusion, we read just this week about extremists like ISIS killing gays by brutally throwing them off of roofs and routinely about arch enemy Iran hanging them in the public square. 

Also going in my mind is the question of there being separation of church and state in this country, yet does legalizing gay and lesbian marriage affirm that separation or does it cross it by legislating against the strict scripture that many hold inviolate. 

Similar to the debate on abortion rights, these are where modern day-to-day issues and traditional religious teachings and values can be difficult to harmonize. 

I am truly happy for gays and lesbians that they can marry if they choose and find their happiness–everyone deserves this, but religiously, I am left unsure of how to reconcile this with the Torah as written. 

Can we think that we are free to choose the individual commandments we believe in or not or to find explanations where we don’t understand them or they don’t make sense to us–if so, how do we know we are doing what G-d wants of us or whether we are going astray?

In the end here the Supreme Court affirmed the right to choose and to respect all people under the law–this is fundamental to our basic beliefs in freedom, human rights, and love of our fellow man.  

But in so doing, will some see this as encroaching on G-d’s law and if so, what is the impact to those that are deeply religious and/or hold strictly heterosexual marriage as sacrosanct?

Surely each person must follow the dictates of their conscience which G-d has granted us, but pitting the Supreme Court of us earthly beings potentially against that of Heaven–this is a truly tricky and slippery slope to understand and reconcile. 😉

(Source Photo: Twitter @WhiteHouse)

Ushering In 2014

Ushering In 2014

As we usher in 2014, I thought this amazing Fendi Jewel Watch for women was a great timekeeping way to capture the moment.

I took this photo in the Bellagio Hotel in Vegas.

There was a huge advertisement hanging by the lobby, and it immediately caught my eye.

I like the different colored stones for each hour around the dial, as well as the overall white diamond ring around the face.

I found it at their website for $3,000 and it is an absolutely gorgeous timepiece when you first see it.

But it’s interesting to me that while it catches my eye, the more I look it, I find that I start to tire of it, and it is not one of those truly timeless jewelry pieces.

Maybe an important lesson for the New Year is that we need to look closely and carefully to avoid expensive buyers remorse, because not everything that glitters is gold–in fact, this watch is stainless. 😉

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

>A Place for Answers


First there was Wikipedia and now there is Quora.

On January 15, 2011, Wikipedia celebrated it’s 10 year birthday, and according to Bloomberg Businessweek, it now has more than 17 million entries (compared with only 120,000 for Encyclopedia Britannica) in 250 languages and is one of the most visited sites on the Internet. Moreover, the accuracy of the crowd-sourced Wikipedia has generally been found as good as traditional encyclopedias.

But despite the phenomenal growth of Wikipedia, a new site, Quora is finding a place for itself in online knowledge management, as one of the key question and answer (Q&A) destinations of the web (others being Answers.com, Yahoo Answers, and more–which were apparently found lacking by the founders of Quora).

According to Wired (May 2011), Quora is only 2 years old and already has about 200,000 people visiting the site each month. The approach of Quora is to create a searchable knowledge market based on merging verifiable facts with people’s personal experiences and observations or what Wired calls “the large expanse between…the purely objective [e.g. Wikipedia] and the purely subjective [e.g. Facebook, Twitter, etc.].”

Quora is looking to capture what it believes is the “Ninety percent of information people have [that] is still in their heads and not on the web.”

The site is also creating a community of people who participate in asking and answering questions, and can select to follow topics and people of interest, and vote on whether answers are helpful (“voted up”) or not to push answers up or down the page.

Similar to Wikipedia, answers can be “trimmed, corrected, or otherwise massaged by one of the rigorous volunteers” (of which their are now more than 100–Quora only has 18 employees). Answers are “written for the world, and for anyone who has that same question for the rest of time.” And even questions can get “extensively reworded.”

Wired asks is this just another popularity contest on the web or self-promotion for the self-proclaimed experts? One of the volunteers responds that “This isn’t about job searching. It’s not about raising money. Most of us who are heavy users can already do that without help. It’s a sense of sharing what we now, and it’s being part of a community.”

Of course, while critics may call them pedantic or petty, the Quora participants are on a mission to build a vital and timeless knowledge repository–“the modern-day equivalent to the Library of Alexandria”, so perhaps the people chic has to be balanced with information usability.

On January 21, 2011, Tech Crunch awarded Quora “best new startup for 2010.”

It will be interesting to see where this goes…the funny thing for me was that I ended looking up Quora up in Wikipedia. 🙂