Celebrating The Holidays

This holiday outfit has got to win an award. 

The matching suit and tie with all the decorative holiday ornaments. 

The bright red shirt. 

The tree hat with the star on top.

And the dark glasses. 

Wow, standout city!

Where do you get clothing like this?

I wonder if I could do this with a menorah too. LOL

Happy Holidays to all.  😉

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Brighten Your Mondays


So a colleague asked me why I wear bright, happy ties on Mondays. 

Well, I explain, I guess it’s a combination of two reasons: 

1) I’m starting the week all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed coming off the weekend energized and ready for a brand new and exciting week.

2) I’m trying to take what many consider “blue Mondays” and make them brighter and more cheerful for everyone. 

– Smile and the whole world smiles with you!

So the other person responds, as if all the craziness of the office and organizational psychos during the week will somehow wear down my good cheer:

“So by the time you get to Fridays, what are you wearing black ties???”

I guess everyone knows the workweek is the workweek.

And they don’t call it work for nothing. 😉

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Wardrobe Malfunction Or Stylish

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So I got to personally witness a spectacular wardrobe malfunction today. 

It’s not often in Washington, D.C. that we get to see someone in a bright blue suit jacket with flowers. 

Obviously, this is a pretty conservative dress town. 

Some might call it rather style boring or even nerdy. 

However, this brave guy went out on a limb and stood out like a sore DC thumbnail. 

Actually, I believe it’s nice to add some color, flair, and style and light up the room and the faces. 

Too much gloominess and depression here at times. 

I was so excited when someone actually called me “Happy Tie!”

Then everyone took a turn showing off their colorful socks to each other.

It takes so little to turn a room of people joyful and laughing.

Honestly, we need more of this, and why not be a contributor to people’s happiness and smiling?

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Snipped My Tie

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This was pretty funny.

I had a loose thread on my tie as is wont to happen. 

And I know well enough not to try and pull it, because then you can really mess the tie up. 

But I am so busy in the office rushing around doing a million things.

So I pull out a scissors and still in a hurry just try to snip off the thread.

Well, I snipped it a little to close to the tie apparently.

This turned out not as a haircut, but more like a scalping. 

No more thread, and no more tie!  

Thank G-d, this wasn’t a circumcision or we’d really be in trouble. 

One more lesson is always keep an extra tie at work. 😉

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Hate Ties, But Love These

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I hate neck ties in general, but love these specifically.  

If you have to wear a tie, these strong gorgeous silk ones called Quindici by Ermenegildo Zegna are absolutely beautiful. 

At a retail price of $285 each at Nordstrom’s, they are not cheap, but what a powerful and confident accent for any formal outfit. 

These are all for me! 😉

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Stupid Stupid Ties


So ties are an unfortunate part of a man’s wardrobe. 

But while some ties may look nice (in a feminine type of way), for the most part they are nothing but a pain in the neck.

– Feels like a noose

– Looks like a dog collar

– Enforced as the yoke of oppression

– Constraining since a tie ties 

– Costs as much as $385 at Nordstrom

– Klutzy when oops!! it hangs out your fly

– Hazardous when caught in an office shredder. 

– Filthy when eating soup, spaghetti, etc. 

– Disgusting when bending over and it flops into the toilet

Some day fashion will grow up and ties will go the way of The Waltons, and even Goodwill will throw them unabashedly into the trash where they most rightfully belong.

(Source Photo: here with attribution to bark)