The Apollo 11 Mission: 50 Year Anniversary

Remembering the Apollo mission that landed a man on the moon on July 20, 1969 (50 years and 1 month ago yesterday…sorry, I’m late on this post). 

Thought this model (scale 1:48) of the command ship and lunar lander in the NASA store was perfect. 

It truly is miraculous that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldin made this journey.

In just 8 days, they made the round trip between the earth and the moon, traveling about 240,000 miles each way. 

And they walked on the moon for about 3 hours–I want to try that!

Even until today, the U.S. remains the only country to have actually put men on the moon (total of 12). 

“One small step for a man; one giant leap for mankind.”

Now it’s high time that we get ourselves to Mars already and colonize it!  😉

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Sizing Fashion And More

So it was interesting article in the Wall Street Journal today…

There is an obesity problem in the U.S. 

But the statistics in terms of the typical sizes of fashion (for women) has been “largely” overlooked.

The biggest size most fashion brands even bother to sell is: 12

“Only 7% of womenswear stocked at multi-brand retailers is a size 14 or above.”

But the average American dress size is between between 16 and 18!

The typical runway model is size 2.  

BTW, I think men have the same problem with sizing.

There was another thing about measurement in the WSJ today having to do with measuring time. 

Day is measured by the earth rotation (on its axis). 

Year by the rotation around the sun.

Month by rotation of the moon. 

Earth, Sun, and Moon…give us time. 

Now we need to take all the wonderful time we have measured and not spend it all eating.  😉

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal @Ripley’s Believe It or Not)

Israel 4th Nation To Reach the Moon Surface – Mazel Tov!

What an unbelievable achievement for Israel. 

Even without a soft landing, Israel is the 4th country in the world to reach the moon surface.

The Moon Club of Just Four:

USA – The Most Powerful
Russia – The Largest by Landmass
China – The Largest by Number of People
Israel – The Holy Land!


Mazel Tov on this truly great accomplishment.

We are all so proud of you!  😉

Space Force: Up Up And Away

Space Force as another full branch of the military is the right thing to do!

The things that get focused on, get accomplished. 

Space is the “final frontier.”

And as Gene Roddenberry realized with the creation of Star Trek in 1964, it is the future of Mankind’s very survival. 

It’s time to stop thinking small as in planet Earth, and start thinking big as there is a whole universe out there!

Russia and China get it–hence their development and testing of anti-satellite rockets and other “kill vehicles” in space as well as lasers and jamming equipment against our satellites, and of course, their plans to colonize the Moon and land men on Mars and beyond. 

Why have we in America only gotten it in Hollywood?

Yes, there have been a few notable exceptions such as President Reagan with his vision for the Star Wars’ Strategic Defense Initiative and President Trump with the bonafide stand up of a Space Force.

Some of the Pentagon brass, particularly the Air Force, may hem and haw about the politics of this thing…losing money and prestige for their branch of the military, but their power is not the concern, our power as a nation is!

I envision a day in the not too distant future when the Air Force doesn’t run Space Command, but rather Space Force runs the Air Force. 

We need to put politics aside and stop laughing at our own ignorance about the potential of space for our future survival and for conflict. 😉

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Israel To Space

Please see my new article in Times of Israel, “Israel’s Ladder To Space.”

So proud of Israel’s planning to join the Big 3 countries (U.S., Russia, and China) to land on the moon.

Amazing what even a relatively small in size and new nation like Israel can set their sights on and please G-d accomplish with G-d’s help.

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Solar Eclipse 2017


In honor of the solar eclipse tomorrow, the local grocery store was selling these cool celebratory pies!

Everyone is excited about this eclipse that is cutting a path across the U.S. 

The last one that did this was almost 100 years ago in 1918.

It’s a magnificent thing to see two amazing and large celestial spheres like this literally cross paths. 

“Hi sun.”
“Hello moon.”
“Nice to meet you!” 

We are so small in the realm of these universal things…it’s almost funny how big we think we are. 

Yet, we have so much ambition and desire to be bigger–to solve problems, innovate, and delve into the depths of the sea and to the far reaches of heavens.

You can blot out the sun, but we’ll still figure out all the details on precisely when, where, and which goo goo goggles to wear so we don’t hurt our eyes. 😉

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

No Way To Fight The Good Fight

See No Evil
Unfortuantely, like many things we do…we do it only halfway. 

While there is certainly a place for vetting issues, moderation, and compromise, often we are overly worried about the ramifications of going too far and thus don’t go far enough to accomplish strategic goals.

Similarly, in a pendulum swinging out of control way, we may fluctuate and treat friends as enemies and pretend our enemies are our friends.

Whether in fighting terrorism and nation state enemies, ebola and other horrific diseases, and even righting the national economy…we don’t lead, we hesitate or as many commentators have said, we lead from behind. 

ISIS, Boko Haram, Al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbolah and more…all alive and still terrorizing.  

Russia, North Korea, Iran…not contained, and threats are growing, while questionable deals involving no less than WMD in some and territorial sovereignty in others loom on the horizon. 

Cancer, parkinson disease, and a dreaded endless list…killing our loved ones and research funding goes to political juggernauts. 

Our national deficit grows, social entitlements are skyrocketing and unpaid for, and we can’t seem to manage our way out of a pending breadline. 

There is something to be said for making a real decision based on morality and inner strength, going all in, and achieving the seeming impossible…decades ago, we did it when we put a man on the moon and defeated the Japanese in WWII. 

Now we seem to fight with one arm tied behind our backs (sometimes two) and our eyes covered with hands stained in the blood of social favoritism, stealth corruption, and defeatist attitudes, and at the end of the day with very little to show for it.

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Rock Into Space

Rock Into Space

Very excited by news in the Wall Street Journal on advances for Space Tourism.

Paragon Space Development Corp is developing a space helium-filled balloon to take us into the wild-blue (and black) yonder.

The balloon will be as wide as a football field.

It will transport 8 people to an altitude of 18 miles, high enough to move around for about 6 hours and get a “panoramic view of the globe without having to wear space suits of don oxygen masks.”

The cost will be about $75,000 per person–which seems almost doable for middle class folks who want the ultimate travel experience.

In contrast, Virgin Galactic will rocket passengers 60 miles high where customers can experience weightlessness for about $250,000.

Other ventures are developing offerings of trips to the International Space Station, an orbiting hotel, and even the moon.

I think it would be so awesome to experience space travel and see G-d’s creations in a whole new perspective-filled way.

It’s amazing, we are so small in the realm of things, yet we fallaciously think we are so big. 😉

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

For Somebody Who Has Everything

For Somebody Who Has Everything

What do you get somebody who has everything?

Well check this out…

You can actually buy acreage on the moon through The Lunar Registry, “Earth’s leading lunar real estate agency.”

Based on The Outer Space Treaty, no country can own a celestial resource such as the moon, planet, or asteroid, but this doesn’t preclude private entities and individuals from purchasing a “lunar land claim.”

The Space Settlement Institute, which “promotes the human colonization and settlement of outer space” is lobbying for the U.S. to recognize these space land claims (PopSci).

According to their website, when you purchase real estate through the lunar registry, “your property ownership is permanently registered by the International Lunar Lands Registry in its annual publication, which is copyrighted and deposited in the United States Library of Congress and with international patent and trademark offices.”

You can view available properties here, from the Sea of Vapors (“moon on a budget” for $18.95 per acre–near Crater Manilius) to Lake of Dreams (“most popular” for $34.25 per acre and a special “Sweathearts package with 2 acres side-by-side).

Properties can be viewed at The Full Moon Atlas through The Luna Society.

I found Lake of Dreams by its reference in sector B-4, although I couldn’t really tell from the atlas whether this was a place that I’d like to settle down or not.

In real estate, they alway say “location, location, location”–when you’re buying on the moon, who the heck knows? 😉

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)