Goals Vs. Tactics

I liked this saying from someone in the IDF. 

Be “flexible in tactics, but stay fixed on the goals!”

There are many ways to accomplish the same thing. 

And different people have their own approaches. 

As in the lyrics: “You take the high road and I’ll take the low road.”

That’s absolutely okay. 

In fact, that’s one of the strengths and benefits of diversity.

We bring different ways of looking at the world to the table.

Hence, we can bounce fresh ideas off each other and come to a great way forward. 

The main thing is that we focus on our goals and progress to achieve them. 

Be rigid on goals and flexible in tactics. 😉

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

A Pushy B*tch/B*stard


I remember the funny commercials of the vacuum cleaner salesman, who when he didn’t get anywhere with his pushy verbal sales tactics, he would put his foot in the door as the homeowner was trying to close the door on him.

However, pushy doesn’t just get your foot crushed in the door, but typically backfires as a means of convincing anyone of anything. 

If someone says no, as a recent sexual abuse poster said, then the answer is no–an unwanted advance is not wanted, period–get it?

You can’t push yourself into bed with someone non-consensually, and you can’t successfully push a product or service or idea unto others who just really aren’t sold–eventually they will push it right back in your hostile, pushy face. 

It’s one thing to make a sound argument if/when another person is willing to hear you out, and it’s another to push, push, push, and just not take a hint–not interested!

On the show, The Last Kingdom, this past week, the English priest was trying to convince the violent Danish Viking to convert to Christianity–the priest thought that it was working as he continued to work the Viking over, until suddenly, the viking stands up and thrusts a sword through the priest.

Pushiness over!

If you can make a poignant argument for something and influence things for the better by all means try, but if you are just going to act the pushy b*tch, then be ready for the fallout from a non-receptive and eventually hostile audience. 😉

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Technology Easy Sell

Benefits and Risks
Technology is not like buying a time share, thank G-d. 

We examine the costs and the benefits, and it either works and provides us a tangible competitive benefit or it doesn’t.

“You can’t be competitive without modern technology, you’ll simply be out of business.”

At the end of the day, you don’t want to be sold a worthless bag of goods from a no good (not genuine) salesperson. 

Read about it here in my new article in Public CIO. 

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Taking On The Predator

My colleague at work has an incredible mask of the Predator. 


Quite a frightening looking creature–that in Hollywood only Arnold Schwarzenegger could take on and defeat. 


When Predator, an extraterrestrial, comes to Earth with all sorts of high-tech weaponry to challenge humankind, Schwarzenegger, who leads an elite special forces team, manages to defeat the alien by using his wits to improvise weapons, traps, and tactics. 


In the real world, this mask is a great reminder that while technology is a tool that provides amazing capabilities, in the end, it is really our people’s ability to adapt and innovate that makes the ultimate difference as to who succeeds and fails. 


The Predator mask is not only a great conversation piece, but Predator’s looks and technology is not so scary when we realize that good, talented people can wield control over it. 😉


(Source Photo: here with attribution to Robert Williams)

Overcoming The Height Factor

I really liked this law enforement elevation product called the Mobile Adjustable Ramp System (MARS) made by Patriot 3 in the United States.

It is fitted on top of armored or unarmored personnel carriers and used by law enforcement or SWAT teams to carry out raids and rescues on multiple stories simultaneously.

Two independent moving hydraulic platforms can be fitted on a single vehicle and each ramp can extended independently by remote control.

The ramps extends over 40 feet, enough to gain entry to the second and even third stories of buildings, unto an aircraft, breach a fenced perimeter, or even be used as a sniper post. 

According to the Ideas and Discoveries Magazine (Dec. 2012), MARS has been fitted on the Ford F550 pickup truck and at $370,000–can seat 9, hold 40 gallons of gas in an armored tank, go up to 100 miles per hour, and as an armored-cased vehicle, it “can withstand up to 24 hours of relentless gunfire.”

While this vehicle may look a little funny, it serves it’s purpose which it to take the height advantage away from the bad guys–get in and get out–quickly and safely.